At A Crossroads In Our Lives

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted a ranch and to build my own home. I wanted to have 100’s or even 1000’s of acres. Think of the Ponderosa Ranch from the Bonanza TV show. Because of life choices and now my bad knees/age, that is a dream that I know will not come to be. Really it’s more about the money or lack of enough money.
Now I would like to find a small 3 bedroom home on 5 to 40 acres, more the better. Located in Montana, Idaho, or Wyoming. I had always wanted to move back to my home state of Colorado but all the potheads and hippies on the eastern slope have ruined the state.
Growing up some of my best memories were our family reunions, Thanksgiving Dinner, and Christmas Dinner. I grew up and eventually moved away. We only made it back to the reunions a couple of times after that. The number of family members that attended has been dwindling over the years.
My wife went into the Navy. As we moved around the country it seemed like we left one of our kids, they do tend to grow up and move out on their own. We would like to have our own family reunions. We think it is going to be challenging to get everyone together at the same time. I wish we all lived closer to each of us. While the majority of our children live out west we do have a few scattered to the far reaches of the country; Alaska, Pennsylvania, and Maryland.
Cindy and I are both retired now and Elizabeth our youngest child is now out of the house. So now is our chance to move out of Maryland to our final home. The hard part is where. My top choice states are Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. Acceptable states, listed in no specific order, are Texas, Arizona, Nevada, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
What if? What if we packed our crap up and placed it in storage and live full time in our motorhome? We could travel the country staying here or there for as long or short as we want.

The Big Question
What do we do?
I love family reunions and big crazy family events!